Inspect weights

Inspect Weights Each Vertex of a Skinned Mesh can be controlled by multiple bones at the same time. While this is possible it is not always wise to do it, because with every new bone the overall behavior of the mesh becomes more and more complex. The Inspect Weights...

Freeze Shape

Freeze Shape Purpose The Avastar Meshes can not be modified. As soon as you try to do this, you will get very bad distortions. This is due to how Shape keys are handled in Blender. The freeze either creates static meshes from your rigged meshes, or modifiable versions...

Find Verts

Vertex Tools You find the Vertex Tools in the Avastar Tools Panel in the Tool shelf. Doubles (Find Duplicates) The Doubles Operator selects all vertices which are recognized as duplicates.[break] Note: this operator does not preserve the original vertex selection. So...

Shape Panels

Avatar Shape IO Panel Avastar can import and export shapes from OpenSim or any compatible online world. You find the import/export functions in the Object properties of the Avastar Armature:   Go to object mode. Select the Rig (RMB on the yellow circles around...

Face Expressions

Face Expressions [PS Showtime url=””] Avastar supports hand expressions and face expressions. Hand Expressions: We support all 15 SL Hand expressions.[break] Note: An SL Animation...

Avatar Shape IO

Avastar can import and export shapes from OpenSim or any compatible online world. You find the import/export functions in the Object properties of the Avastar Armature:   Go to object mode. Select the Rig (RMB on the yellow circles around the mesh). Open the...